Conference “Inclusive Policy and Cutting-Edge Technologies” (1st December)

Christine Syriopoulou-Delli (Associate Professor at Educational and Social Policy Department, University of Macedonia and lab head of Laboratory of Autism-Developmental Spectrum Disorders and Difficulties of the Human) honouring the International Day of People with Disabilities (3rd December), is organizing a conference on Thursday 1/12/2022, at 13.00-18.00 pm in the Conference Room of “Professor Ilias I. Kouskouvelis”. The conference with the title “Inclusive Policy and Cutting-Edge Technologies” will be held at University of Macedonia (156 Egnatia St.).

Through the conference, attendees will be able to exchange ideas and opinions with technological, educational, and assessment specialists and parents of children with autism spectrum disorders about social inclusion, independent living, creative and productive rehabilitation and inclusion of people with developmental disorders.

There will be presented, among others, the innovative “Early Intervention Program for toddlers and preschool children with ASD (Daphne)” (copyright 2022) and the “Curriculum & educational approaches using technology means in centers for independent living and creativity for people with autism spectrum disorders (DEKA)” (copyright 2022). These two programs were designed and initiated by the members of Lab Autism.

You can find the conference schedule here.

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